Wednesday, 17 June 2009

"All this useless beauty"

There is a phrase "Photoshop designer" which I use to identify those designers who design websites in photoshop which the client then signs off without it ever passing the desk of the person who has to code it. Now I know that it is possible to go from a psd file to nice clean html. There are even companies who do nothing but that.

But why all this pain?
  • What font is that?
  • What is the hex for that colour?
  • Spacing and paddings, are they in ems, px or %?
  • How does the page behave when resized?
  • How does the page behave when there is real data in there?

Imagine that an architect delivered his design for a building as a couple of water colours and 1/50th scale model. Sure you could reverse engineer quite a bit from that but the architect is on your side so he will also give you blueprints and a list of materials.

The "Photoshop designer" on the other hand is your enemy, why else would he give you a jpeg full of "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit..." and expect you to build a website.

Because he hates you.

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