Wednesday, 12 August 2009

It does grow on trees

Whilst it is true that money doesn't grow on trees it is also irrelevant. Money is only a way of exchanging wealth, the other being barter.

Wealth grows on trees. Imagine I own a field, the field can cost me say £10. We can say that the field is worth £10 or more correctly that I was prepared to pay £10. But just what is the field worth?
  • I could turn it into a car park and charge £1 a car a day
  • I could rent it to a farmer for his cows to graze in
  • I could plant a tree and sell the apple from it
The field may have cost me £10 but with no more outlay I can create more wealth than the £10 I spent on the field. Wealth is measured in money but wealth is not money.

The Web is not Print

When you design for print you get to choose the size, shape, weight and finish of the stock it will be printed on which means that you will know how your design will come out. Web is different...
  • You cannot control the size of the screen or its resolution. You have lost control of the layout and how the fonts will come out
  • You cannot assume the screen is correctly calibrated, you have lost control of the colours. Subtle colour differences are lost
  • You cannot assume the fonts are available or being rendered in the size you want, how the system is configured is unknown to you
As a designer you no longer have the same degree of control on the web that you had in print.